Located in the heart of the city, the 6th Avenue Flats is a joint project between HDG and Youth and Shelter Services (YSS) to provide housing to homeless youth in the Foster Care Program of Iowa. A portion of the 42 apartments will be reserved for YSS youth who have been homeless and are in the foster care program. Knowing that most kids who age out of the state’s foster care program remain homeless and without a high school or college degree, this unique cooperation between a housing developer, youth services agency and the Des Moines Community College, will have significant impact on identifying foster care kids who want to finish high school, obtain a training certificate or completing an Associate Arts degree. The remaining apartments will be available for any adult at 60% AMI. While in the state Senate, Jack Hatch authored legislation that sponsored any foster care Iowan to receive an education scholarship to any Iowa college, this program will insure that foster kids will have the same advantage as any Iowa child. The housing will be completed by December, 2021.

6th Avenue Flats
Des Moines, IA • December 2021
Mortgage Holder
General Partners
- Hatch Development Group
- Kiernan Development Group
Property Managers
Public Financing